Yes that's right. Finals Week is next week. And I haven't had a lot of time for other things beauty and blog related so I decided to do a quick weekly update, that I'll start doing every Thursday (or try to) for now on!
First things first! My tips for getting through Finals Week.
- Drink lots of water. I know its tempting to have your diet solely consist of Starbuck's House blend. but don't. Keep hydrated. When we're so busy we tend to forget to drink some water here and there so keep a glass or bottle of water always nearby. I find that if I do keep a glass of water nearby while studying I'll reach for it more often and keep very hydrated and healthy! Also as a tech savvy bonus! My favorite app to help me drink more water is a called Plant Nanny and you get to grow a cute little plant friend while staying hydrated at the same time! Find it on the app store.
- Keep up your Vitamin C level! Vitamin C has loads of benefits but mostly it keeps your immune system strong (which can weaken under stress and especially this winter during flu season months). I discovered this when I invested in some Halls Defense Vitamin C drops and was no longer sick in a few days. Also I got a 5 lb. bag of cuties tangerines and I eat about 3 of those a day... they're addicting! And they're so easy and accessible. I keep one in my purse when I go out or to work. Yes, I'm a fruit addict and always have been (When I was a toddler I threw fits in the grocery store not for candy but for grapes).
- Get some sleep! I'm also addicted to sleep. I need at least 9 hours to function normally throughout the day. But most people don't need that much and can normally function on 6-8. I know sleep is hard to fit in during studying, but please do. I would say at least get 6. You retain information better when you're well rested and its just good for your health and beauty regime! You don't want to spend $$$ on extra under eye concealers when you could just get an extra hour of sleep that will do the trick!
- And of course there are extra study tricks that I have repined on my pinterest that I will link to here (follow me while you're there!).
Yes I am asking my boyfriend to get me a kitten for Christmas which explains the cat pins, and I'm really hoping he does because I want a little furry friend again! I have lots of furry friends, but all dogs and all belonging to my friends. But even though I love dogs, I'm more of a cat person, because I'm lazy. So hate me for it.
So that's all for now. I have to get back to doing school work and studying. *sarcastic yay*
Hope you all are having a lovely winter and finals week!
p.s. this morning's caffeine was regular House Blend coffee with Vanilla Creamer. Recently I haven't been having that much caffeine because I was sick so the last thing I got at Starbucks was actually their Carmel Apple Spice apple cider which is DELICIOUS!
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